Renew Engagement With Renewable Resources 30 January 2020

Renew Engagement With Renewable Resources

Webinar shows how Extension professionals can use new technologies to connect with stakeholders

Looking to improve your Extension programs by using innovative and emerging technologies?Join in for the “Using Innovative Educational Approaches to Enhance Ecosystem Health” webinar on February 20th at 8:00 a.m. Hawai‘i time. This is the first in a series of nine webinars sponsored by Renewable Resources Extension Act (RREA) that are geared toward showcasing innovative Extension programs. 

In the rapidly changing world of invasive species, nimble and novel outreach mechanisms that reach a cross-section of society are necessary to positively impact the renewable resources in range, forests, and wetlands. Maintaining ecosystem health at the landscape scale can be more feasible when using communication tools that link people together at the regional level.

Extension professionals are constantly seeking new strategies to effectively reach and engage audiences. While traditional methods are still effective in many places and for certain audiences, innovative approaches can expand connections, deepen impact, and broaden scope. They also give a chance to learn new skills and professional advancement.

This webinar will feature Andrea Lorek Strauss, University of Minnesota, discussing the uses of video; Megan Weber, University of Minnesota, who will present on 3-D printing; and David Coyle, Clemson University, who will discuss social media.They each will explain how they use innovative media strategies in their Extension programs!

This and the other webinars in the series will be an opportunity for renewable resource Extension professionals to share, learn, and connect with their colleagues across land-grant institutions and disciplines. If you have questions, you can contact Kris Tiles, natural resources educator at the University of Wisconsin.

The webinar is open to all; feel free to distribute to colleagues and others who may be interested.

An Ocean of Possibility 30 January 2020

An Ocean of Possibility

Aquaculture center director discusses obstacles and opportunities

Cheng-Sheng Lee, the executive director of the Center for Tropical and Subtropical Aquaculture, was recently interviewed by Aquafeed about the status of aquaculture in Hawai’i and the Pacific. He has long worked throughout the region with industry stakeholders and researchers to identify and provide solution for challenges to sustainable aquaculture. 

Got a Date? 21 January 2020

Got a Date?

No, OCS is not asking you out to the movies…

The Office of Communication Services is updating its CTAHR CALENDAR OF EVENTS, and your kokua is appreciated: we’re asking each department, unit, program, or county office to email OCS a list of events you have planned—or will participate in with stakeholders—during the Spring 2020 school year.

Protect the Avos! 21 January 2020

Protect the Avos!

New invasive avocado lace bug is reported on Oʻahu

The Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture has issued an alert about a new pest of avocado that has been reported in the Islands, the avocado lace bug (Pseudacysta perseae). First discovered in Pearl City in December, it has since been seen in Waialua as well. So far, it has only been found on O‘ahu.

Got a Date? 21 January 2020

Got a Date?

No, OCS is not asking you to the movies...

The Office of Communication Services is updating its CTAHR CALENDAR OF EVENTS, and your kokua is appreciated: we’re asking each department, unit, program, or county office to email OCS a list of events you have planned—or will participate in with stakeholders—during the Spring 2020 school year.



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