

(1) CTAHR STAR System Scholarships for New Students & Current Students

(2) Departmental STAR System Scholarships 

Please visit the STAR Student Scholarship website.

Hawaii Association of Family and Consumer Sciences Fashion Design and Merchandising Centennial Scholarship 

Eligibility: Recipients must be full-time undergraduate students majoring in Fashion Design and Merchandising in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources. 

Criteria: Recipients must have sophomore class standing or above and have completed two semesters and at least six credits within the Fashion, Design, and Merchandising major. Recipients must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or above. Recipients must be Hawai‘i residents.

Patricia (Pattie) Ogawa Memorial Scholarship 

Eligibility: The recipient will be expected to perform service activities for the college. Preference will be given to an undergraduate junior or senior. 

Criteria: Declared full-time major in the Fashion Design and Merchandising program in CTAHR at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Minimum grade point average of 3.0. A graduate of a high school in Hawaii. 

Mabel Inada Ito Scholarship 

Eligibility: Recipients must be enrolled full-time as undergraduates in the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences at CTAHR.

Criteria: Academic merit as demonstrated by a minimum GPA of 3.0. Some degree of financial need, not necessarily as defined by federal guidelines.

(3) Orpha E. Herrick Memorial Scholarship from the Hawaii Stitchery and Fibre Arts Guild

Eligibility: Recipients must be full-time undergraduate students majoring in Fashion Design and Merchandising (FDM) in CTAHR at UH Mānoa


Resident of the State of Hawaii as required for resident tuition at UHM

Full-time undergraduate major in FDM

A grade point ratio of 2.85 or higher

Completion of at least 12 credits of FDM courses

Good progress toward educational goals

Some degree of financial need, but not necessarily as defined by federal guidelines.

Amount: $2,000.00 plus membership for 1 year in HSFAG

Due Date: March 26, 2025

Online Submission : Submit (1) the completed scholarship application, (2) a personal statement, and (3) a copy of your transcript to Dr. Lin at ASAP. Due to this postponement from spring semester, it will be stopped when application is full.


FCS Department

2515 Campus Road
Miller Hall 110

Honolulu, HI 96822

phone: 808-956-8105

fax: 808-956-2239


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