Turtle Food 2 May 2018

Turtle Food

Rajesh Jha (HNFAS) co-authored a new publication, “Of turtles and trees: Nutritional analysis of tree heliotrope (Heliotropium foertherianum) leaves consumed by green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in Hawaiʻi,” about a new food turtles have recently been observed eating: leaves that fall from the popular coastal tree called tree heliotrope.
Spiritual Grandparenting 2 May 2018

Spiritual Grandparenting

Loriena Yancura (FCS) co-authored a new publication, “The Contributions of Religious Practice, Existential Certainty, and Raising Grandchildren to Well-Being in Older Adults,” published in the Journal of Religion, Spirituality and Aging, which examined whether religious practice, spiritual development, and existential certainty are positively linked with grandparents' well-being.
The Ewes Have It 2 May 2018

The Ewes Have It

Kyle Caires’ (HNFAS) project entitled “Characterization of Vaginal Tract Microbiota in Ewes Synchronized With Intravaginal Progesterone Implants,” a result of collaborative research in Hawai‘i with partners in Brazil, has just been accepted for the the XXIV Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Embryo Technology.
Anastacio Palafox 2 May 2018

Anastacio Palafox

We are saddened to report that former CTAHR Animal Sciences faculty member Anastacio Palafox passed away on March 24 at 103. He was the first faculty member of Filipino ancestry at UHM, retiring in 1984 after 36 years of service.

The Gold at Meadow Gold 18 April 2018

The Gold at Meadow Gold

If you haven’t yet registered for this year’s Awards Banquet, now’s the time to do it! You’ll get the chance to eat, drink, and be merry, and you can also applaud this year’s awardees, including CTAHR’s 2018 Outstanding Alumnus, Glenn Muranaka, the president and general manager of Meadow Gold Dairies.


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