The Next Generation 10 May 2018

The Next Generation

Since new students face many challenges in their first year in college, the Academic and Student Affairs Office has held an event nearly every month this academic year to support them. Congratulations to CTAHR's new students as they complete their first year!
Wet in Waimanalo 10 May 2018

Wet in Waimanalo

Cooperative Extension proudly supported O‘ahu RC&D’s Parade of Farms, held at the Waimanalo Research Station on May 5. Faculty and staff from CTAHR helped to coordinate the event, and many CTAHR programs were in attendance to sustain O‘ahu RC&D and the Waimanalo community.
More Knowledge About Macadamias 2 May 2018

More Knowledge About Macadamias

The last TPSS seminar of the semester will take place at 1:30 p.m. on Friday, May 4, when Alyssa Cho from the Komohana Research and Extension Center will present on “Field-Based Macadamia Research in Hawai‘i.” Come hear her in St. John 011, or join in remotely via Zoom.

Parade After the Storm 2 May 2018

Parade After the Storm

The O‘ahu Research and Conservation Development Council’s third annual Parade of Farms, hosted at the Waimanalo Research Station, will showcase farms and agriculture-related businesses in Waimanalo this Saturday, but recent storms have necessitated some changes in the tours.

Whee, 3-M-E-P! 2 May 2018

Whee, 3-M-E-P!

This year saw another successful 3MEP competition, in which students present their highly technical research projects in a short, concise, and audience-friendly format. Winners are Michael Honda (PhD), Natalija Glibetic (MS), Rebecca Barone (undergraduates), and Duc Nguyen (People’s Choice award)!


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