Study Guides for 

"Private" and "Commercial" Pesticide Applicators'


January 13, 2019

This page is about study guides for Hawaii Department of Agriculture's examinations to qualify for "certification" to buy, use or supervise the use of "restricted use" pesticides in Hawaii.

Choose the correct category

Be careful to choose the right category of packets of study guides. You could waste your time and money if you make a wrong guess.

Study Guides

You may download the study guides, purchase printed versions of the guides, or both. We do not require you to order the printed version of the study guides.

  • DOWNLOAD electronic versions of the study guides, free-of-charge, by clicking on the applicator category listed below under LIST OF APPLICATOR CATEGORIES. You may print a study guide, have someone print it for you, or buy printed versions of the study guides in packets.
  • PURCHASE Purchase of packets is currently unavailable and is currently in development. 
  • Advice for pesticide dealers: Study material for the Hawaii Department of Agriculture's examination to qualify for licensing as a “licensed pesticide dealer representative” is not accessible from this page. To access it, view the webpage at

Test Your Math Skills” is an eight-page leaflet we offer free-of-charge separately from any of the study guides listed below. Download it and use it to refresh your basic math skills before you attend the next Pesticide Risk Reduction Education short course. It presents math exercises as well as the answers. If you can do all of the exercises without too much trouble, you will get maximum benefit from the calculation examples shown in the short courses. For the exercises that are difficult to do, ask someone to show you how to get the answers.

Practice Analyzing an Insecticide Label” is another eight-page leaflet we offer free-of-charge separately from any of the study guides listed below. Download it and use it to boost your label reading skills which you will need to plan a pesticide treatment or to prepare for the restricted use pesticide certification exams conducted by the Hawaii Department of Agriculture.

QUESTIONS OR PROBLEMS WITH THIS WEBPAGE? This on-line version is made and maintained in our office at the University of Hawaii's Manoa campus located in Honolulu, Hawaii. To comment, make suggestions, ask questions, or report any problems with this website, please contact Mark Dragich, EMAIL:, TELEPHONE: (808) 956-6008, MAIL: P.E.P.S. Dept., 3190 Maile Way Room 017B, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822.