News and Events

«July 2024»

Tea-Production Ceremony

Tea-Production Ceremony 2 May 2018

Tea-Production Ceremony

The 24th Tea 101 workshop, conducted by Randall Hamasaki and Stuart Nakamoto, was held at the Mealani Research Station on the Big Island. The seven-hour workshop was jam-packed with information and activity, including tea plant varieties, propagation, planting, shaping, pruning, irrigation, fertilization, pest management, and harvesting, as well as processing and marketing.

Help After the Flooding

Help After the Flooding 2 May 2018

Help After the Flooding

Cooperative Extension's Raymond Uchida, Jari Sugano, Jensen Uyeda, Joshua Silva, Kalani Matsumura, and Ted Radovich supported the O‘ahu City and County Disaster Recovery Centers to assist farmers, residents, and businesses affected by the recent severe weather and flooding, addressing questions on food safety, water quality, disaster-relief assistance, and debris removal.

Livestock Doubleheader

Livestock Doubleheader 2 May 2018

Livestock Doubleheader

Kyle Caires (HNFAS) was focused on kids and animals for the weekend when he recently hosted two events on Maui, a small ruminant workshop for over 50 4-H youth and adults in Kula and a beef fitting and showmanship workshop at a local ranch in Makawao.

North Shore Pesticide Safety

North Shore Pesticide Safety 2 May 2018

North Shore Pesticide Safety

Jensen Uyeda, Josh Silva, and Jari Sugano of O‘ahu County Cooperative Extension teamed up with Lisa Rhoden of the North Shore Economic Vitality Partnership to conduct a pesticide education workshop at Turtle Bay on April 25.

Helping Each Other With CBB

Helping Each Other With CBB 2 May 2018

Helping Each Other With CBB

Cooperative Extension’s Alyssa Cho, Andrea Kawabata, Jen Burt, and Matt Miyahira (TPSS) organized the 2018 Coffee Berry Borer Conference in Kailua-Kona, where 115 farmers, researchers, Extension faculty and staff, and other agricultural professionals gathered to learn about and share their latest CBB research and on-farm management experiences.

The Ewes Have It

The Ewes Have It 2 May 2018

The Ewes Have It

Kyle Caires’ (HNFAS) project entitled “Characterization of Vaginal Tract Microbiota in Ewes Synchronized With Intravaginal Progesterone Implants,” a result of collaborative research in Hawai‘i with partners in Brazil, has just been accepted for the the XXIV Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Embryo Technology.

What’s Causing ROD

What’s Causing ROD 18 April 2018

What’s Causing ROD

Extension forester and winner of CTAHR’s 2018 Award for Excellence in Extension J.B. Friday (NREM) is quoted in a UH News story announcing that the two species of fungus that are causing Rapid ‘Ohi‘a Death, or ROD, have been described and named in a recently published paper.

Doing Right by the Animals

Doing Right by the Animals 18 April 2018

Doing Right by the Animals

Twenty-four 4-H students in Kaua‘i County participated in a food animal quality assurance training which focused on how to be good stewards of livestock raised as market projects for the county fair, under the guidance of Kaua‘i’s Livestock Extension agent Savannah Katulski.

Get the Slugs Out

Get the Slugs Out 18 April 2018

Get the Slugs Out

In the wake of the two new cases of rat lungworm disease confirmed in the state, O‘ahu Extension agent Josh Silva was interviewed on KHON for tips on how to deter and kill the slugs and snails that spread the disease, such as using copper tape or just picking them up by hand—using gloves and tongs, of course!

Land Values

Land Values 18 April 2018

Land Values

Wildfire expert Clay Trauernicht and Pua‘ala Pascua (both NREM) are co-authors of a paper, “Bringing Multiple Values to the Table: An Assessment of Future Land-Use and Climate Change in North Kona, Hawaiʻi,” that recommends a collaborative approach in working with stakeholders to assess the multiple values that different ecosystems in Hawaiʻi provide.

Strong Bones

Strong Bones 18 April 2018

Strong Bones

Heather Greenwood Junkermeier (FCS) recently published an article in Maui News entitled “Osteoporosis Affects Both Genders.” She explains what osteoporosis is and what the risk factors of the disease are, and then suggests ways to mitigate them.

Learn About the Lungworm

Learn About the Lungworm 11 April 2018

Learn About the Lungworm

The CTAHR Farm Food Safety Team, in collaboration with Hawai‘i State Departments of Health and Agriculture, has released a new video on Rat Lung Worm (RLW) disease prevention. It is a potentially scary disease, but this video offers practical and down-to-earth advice that can help.

Brian Bushe at the Banquet

Brian Bushe at the Banquet 11 April 2018

Brian Bushe at the Banquet

If you haven’t yet registered for the annual CTAHR Awards Banquet, now’s the time to secure your place! You’ll get a chance to celebrate the successes of students, faculty, staff, and friends, including Brian Bushe, winner of the award for Outstanding Service for an APT Employee!

Root and Berry

Root and Berry 11 April 2018

Root and Berry

Big Island Extension’s Andrea Kawabata, Jen Burt, and Matthew Miyahira represented CTAHR at the 11th annual Kona Coffee Farmer’s Association Coffee and Small Farms Expo at the Old Kona Airport, where they discussed issues such as the coffee berry borer and root-knot nematode.

Fair Without Fair Weather

Fair Without Fair Weather 11 April 2018

Fair Without Fair Weather

Pouring rain didn’t stop Kaua‘i islanders from pouring into the Garden Fair this year. Jointly hosted by CTAHR and the Kaua‘i County Farm Bureau, the 23rd Annual Garden Fair at the Kaua‘i Community College featured a series of CTAHR garden and agriculture presentations.

Learning to Grow

Learning to Grow 11 April 2018

Learning to Grow

CTAHR students and other volunteers engaged 169 elementary first- and fourth-graders in garden activities over the spring semester, teaching them about nutrition for people and plants.

Steering in the Right Direction

Steering in the Right Direction 11 April 2018

Steering in the Right Direction

A Moloka‘i 4-H participant and his award winning animals were featured in a USDA Farm Service Agency Fencepost newsletter article on the FSA Youth Loan.

It’s Gene-ius!

It’s Gene-ius! 11 April 2018

It’s Gene-ius!

The highly popular and acclaimed Gene-ius Day program is the subject of a recent laudatory article on the UH Foundation website that describes how the original program has expanded into three complementary outreach efforts that are reaching and teaching more kids than ever before!

Food Safety in the Pacific

Food Safety in the Pacific 11 April 2018

Food Safety in the Pacific

The Western Regional Center to Enhance Food Safety held its second annual meeting, and 10 members of the FSMA team of UH, University of Guam, and the American Samoa Community College, including Extension agents Kylie Wong and Joshua Silva, attended to deliver progress reports.

Hot Conversation

Hot Conversation 4 April 2018

Hot Conversation

CTAHR wildfire researcher Clay Trauernicht recently joined other experts on disaster vulnerability and resilience in the Islands on Hawai‘i Public Radio program The Conversation.

24 April 2020

What’s Easy to Grow, Healthy, and Tasty? Beans!

Legumes are good for you and good for your back yard

What’s Easy to Grow, Healthy, and Tasty? Beans!

If you’re starting a home garden, make sure you add beans! Beans improve soil fertility, which helps crop diversity and sustainability in Hawai‘i. They’re highly nutritious—rich in protein, fiber, and the good carbohydrates. And beans don’t require much water or fertilizer, yet they’re fast-growing and produce heavy yields, especially if you’ve picked the right location.

As a vegetarian advocate for healthy eating, I am a big believer in adding legumes—beans—to your everyday diet. The benefits include reducing your risk of heart disease and colon cancer, controlling diabetes, boosting your immune system, and eliminating harmful free radicals from your body. Nutrient-packed beans also benefit your eyes and bones, while regulating the digestive processes.

Pole or bush? It depends on your available space

Pole beans are a smart choice for space-challenged gardens, or if your aim is to produce various crops all at once using a smaller space, since they take up less footprint. The plants will produce for 4-6 weeks, but if you’re lucky, some varieties will continue to yield indefinitely in Hawai‘i, and will flower and produce pods over and over.

The twining vines of pole beans can rocket 5–10 feet skyward, as long as they have good scaffolding to climb. This doesn’t require a fancy contraption. Any sturdy support will do: an old ladder, bamboo tied together to form a tepee, old wire or slatted wood fencing, or heavy-duty nylon string strung between two uprights. A homemade trellis should be 4–8 feet tall and strong enough to withstand high winds and the weight of mature beans.

Bush bean pods are round or flat in shape and come in green, yellow wax, and purple shades. The plants grow around two feet tall and two feet wide. They have a production period of just 2–3 weeks and a relatively short yield period of 50–60 days. They tend to produce fewer beans than the pole variety. You can grow them in the ground or in pots or raised beds.

Planting, growing, and harvesting beans

Beans are easy and satisfying to grow in Hawai‘i, especially in spring and summer. They flourish most anywhere but prefer well-drained soil with good organic matter. I recommend planting 2–3 seeds, 1–1.5 inches deep, with 1-foot spacing between plants and 2-foot spacing between rows. Plant them directly into soil or media, and protect the baby sprouts from snails and birds. Beans donʻt require a lot of water, but they do prefer regular irrigation.

Once your legumes begin to bear fruit, it’s important to harvest regularly. Donʻt allow your plants to reach the dry-bean stage, or they will slow down or even stop producing. But at the very end of the season, leave a few pods on the vine to dry. This way, youʻll have your own seeds for the next growing season.

In general, all bean varieties grow well in Hawai‘i, but some will yield early in the season, others later. For more information, visit the UH Master Gardeners website.

Amjad Ahmad. Cooperative Extension Service, Sustainable & Organic Agriculture Program. UH College of Tropical Agriculture & Human Resources