News and Events

«March 2025»

Landscape Tested

Landscape Tested 12 September 2017

Landscape Tested

About 50 landscapers participated in a practice exam for the 2017 O‘ahu Landscape Industry Certified Technician (LICT) Program at Waimanalo Research Station in August.

Compost That

Compost That 9 August 2017

Compost That

Cooperative Extension faculty addressed green and brown farm waste at a Hands-On Composting Workshop they organized with Organic Matters Hawai‘i in Kona.

Pine-ing Away

Pine-ing Away 9 August 2017

Pine-ing Away

Brent Sipes, PEPS, recently trained a group of ethnic-minority Garo people on environmentally sound and safe pineapple cultivation in rural Bangladesh.

Funded on Maui

Funded on Maui 3 August 2017

Funded on Maui

Maui County has funded eight CTAHR projects for FY18, from control of Axis deer and fruit flies to evaluation of taro varieties and expansion of turmeric to youth bee-keeping workshops.

A Waimanalo Welcome

A Waimanalo Welcome 3 August 2017

A Waimanalo Welcome

8/3/2017 - The Waimanalo Research Station hosted UH President/UH Manoa Chancellor David Lassner on July 28.  He was greeted with chants by Malama Honua Charter School students, who use the site, and with a welcome from from Interim Dean Rachel Novotny and Malama Honua Executive Director Herb Lee.


KIDS COUNT 15 June 2017


June - 2017

Center on the Family announces release of Annie E. Casey Foundation’s annual KIDS COUNT Data Book for Hawai‘i, which uses 16 indicators to rank the state on what children need to thrive.

4-H for Hawai‘i

4-H for Hawai‘i 8 June 2017

4-H for Hawai‘i

It's not just livestock

Beyond livestock, 4-H promotes youth well-being, leadership skills, community engagement, and STEM activities, says state coordinator Jeff Goodwin.

The Bee’s Knees

The Bee’s Knees 7 June 2017

The Bee’s Knees

Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences’s Scott Nikaido explains the importance of pollinators to Hawai‘i crops and how people can support pollinator health by using fewer insecticides and more pollinator-friendly plants.

Prepared Youth

Prepared Youth 17 May 2017

Prepared Youth

Hawai‘i is the second state that trained adults to instruct kids in a youth preparedness national pilot project. 3 4-H agents were certified through the Hawai‘i Youth Preparedness Initiative.

A Web Winner

A Web Winner 11 May 2017

A Web Winner

Hawai‘i Association of County Agricultural Agents nominated Andrea Kawabata for their national organization’s Communications Award for her coffee berry borer beetle website.

GoFarm Grows

4 May 2017

GoFarm Grows

The GoFarm Hawai‘i beginning farmer training program received new grants from the Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture, Hawai‘i Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, and Kamehameha Schools.

Prevent the Parasite

4 May 2017

Prevent the Parasite

With new cases of rat lungworm reported in the Islands, Extension Agent Jari Sugano was featured on Hawaii News Now offering some tips on reducing the risk of the disease.

Gut Feeling

Gut Feeling 4 May 2017

Gut Feeling

GoFarm and Ag Incubator alumnus and entrepreneur Rob Barreca and graduate student Surely Wallace promoted fermented foods in a recent Honolulu Star-Advertiser article.

24 April 2020

What’s Easy to Grow, Healthy, and Tasty? Beans!

Legumes are good for you and good for your back yard

What’s Easy to Grow, Healthy, and Tasty? Beans!

If you’re starting a home garden, make sure you add beans! Beans improve soil fertility, which helps crop diversity and sustainability in Hawai‘i. They’re highly nutritious—rich in protein, fiber, and the good carbohydrates. And beans don’t require much water or fertilizer, yet they’re fast-growing and produce heavy yields, especially if you’ve picked the right location.

As a vegetarian advocate for healthy eating, I am a big believer in adding legumes—beans—to your everyday diet. The benefits include reducing your risk of heart disease and colon cancer, controlling diabetes, boosting your immune system, and eliminating harmful free radicals from your body. Nutrient-packed beans also benefit your eyes and bones, while regulating the digestive processes.

Pole or bush? It depends on your available space

Pole beans are a smart choice for space-challenged gardens, or if your aim is to produce various crops all at once using a smaller space, since they take up less footprint. The plants will produce for 4-6 weeks, but if you’re lucky, some varieties will continue to yield indefinitely in Hawai‘i, and will flower and produce pods over and over.

The twining vines of pole beans can rocket 5–10 feet skyward, as long as they have good scaffolding to climb. This doesn’t require a fancy contraption. Any sturdy support will do: an old ladder, bamboo tied together to form a tepee, old wire or slatted wood fencing, or heavy-duty nylon string strung between two uprights. A homemade trellis should be 4–8 feet tall and strong enough to withstand high winds and the weight of mature beans.

Bush bean pods are round or flat in shape and come in green, yellow wax, and purple shades. The plants grow around two feet tall and two feet wide. They have a production period of just 2–3 weeks and a relatively short yield period of 50–60 days. They tend to produce fewer beans than the pole variety. You can grow them in the ground or in pots or raised beds.

Planting, growing, and harvesting beans

Beans are easy and satisfying to grow in Hawai‘i, especially in spring and summer. They flourish most anywhere but prefer well-drained soil with good organic matter. I recommend planting 2–3 seeds, 1–1.5 inches deep, with 1-foot spacing between plants and 2-foot spacing between rows. Plant them directly into soil or media, and protect the baby sprouts from snails and birds. Beans donʻt require a lot of water, but they do prefer regular irrigation.

Once your legumes begin to bear fruit, it’s important to harvest regularly. Donʻt allow your plants to reach the dry-bean stage, or they will slow down or even stop producing. But at the very end of the season, leave a few pods on the vine to dry. This way, youʻll have your own seeds for the next growing season.

In general, all bean varieties grow well in Hawai‘i, but some will yield early in the season, others later. For more information, visit the UH Master Gardeners website.

Amjad Ahmad. Cooperative Extension Service, Sustainable & Organic Agriculture Program. UH College of Tropical Agriculture & Human Resources