Cooperative Extension (CE)

Cooperative Extension (CE) provides non-formal science-based education to enrich the lives and livelihood of farmers, consumers and families in Hawaiʻi. As the outreach component of UH Mānoa’s College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, CE extends practical applications of science to support local food systems, healthy living, youth development, and the stewardship of natural resources for future generations.

Together with the Community

Drones and Gripper Claws
Drones and Gripper Claws

Drones and Gripper Claws

UH Hilo professor Ryan Perroy attached a special pruning saw and gripper claw to a drone to...
Preparing for Wildfire
Preparing for Wildfire

Preparing for Wildfire

Join the third installment in a series of nine webinars of the Renewable Resources Extension...
Selecting a Garden Site
Selecting a Garden Site

Selecting a Garden Site

Hawai‘i has an array of soils and climates, with no one-size-fits-all answer for selecting...
Facilities Staff Needs Masks
Facilities Staff Needs Masks

Facilities Staff Needs Masks

UH Mānoa Facilities is asking for donations of masks for its 300 employees, all of whom are...