Cooperative Extension (CE)

Cooperative Extension (CE) provides non-formal science-based education to enrich the lives and livelihood of farmers, consumers and families in Hawaiʻi. As the outreach component of UH Mānoa’s College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, CE extends practical applications of science to support local food systems, healthy living, youth development, and the stewardship of natural resources for future generations.

Together with the Community

The Pests Keep Coming
The Pests Keep Coming

The Pests Keep Coming

Fighting plant pests is just one of the many ways Nick Yamauchi, Dylan Cunningham, Matt...
Hydroponics vs. Aquaponics
Hydroponics vs. Aquaponics

Hydroponics vs. Aquaponics

Tilling the soil before you plant can be difficult, especially if the land is rocky or paved...
Good Source of Resources
Good Source of Resources

Good Source of Resources

If you haven’t visited lately, COVID-19 Resources for Hawai‘i, compiled by...