Cooperative Extension (CE)

Cooperative Extension (CE) provides non-formal science-based education to enrich the lives and livelihood of farmers, consumers and families in Hawaiʻi. As the outreach component of UH Mānoa’s College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, CE extends practical applications of science to support local food systems, healthy living, youth development, and the stewardship of natural resources for future generations.

Together with the Community

Prepared Youth
Prepared Youth

Prepared Youth

Hawai‘i is the second state that trained adults to instruct kids in a youth preparedness...
A Web Winner
A Web Winner

A Web Winner

Hawai‘i Association of County Agricultural Agents nominated Andrea Kawabata for their...
GoFarm Grows

GoFarm Grows

The GoFarm Hawai‘i beginning farmer training program received new grants from the...
Prevent the Parasite

Prevent the Parasite

With new cases of rat lungworm reported in the Islands, Extension Agent Jari Sugano was featured...