Red-Blooded and Proud 28 March 2018

Red-Blooded and Proud

CTAHR recently held its annual Blood Drive in the Campus Center Ballroom, garnering 54 blood donations, which can save 158 lives! Big mahalos go to all the donors, of blood and of treats and incentives for the donors!

Pre-Vets Are Doing Swine 28 March 2018

Pre-Vets Are Doing Swine

Pre-vet students joined Professors Birendra Mishra and Halina Zaleski for a hands-on training in a workshop on artificial insemination.

The Future of Sunflowers 28 March 2018

The Future of Sunflowers

Genome sequencing of the perennial sunflower may provide clues to how plants adapt to changing climates. Researcher Michael Kantar explains in recent article in the online journal Quartz

Feeding Greatness 28 March 2018

Feeding Greatness

Research by Rajesh Jha and his Animal Sciences students focuses on locally grown feeds for chicken to lower costs, improve environmental sustainability and improve flavor of local fowl.

Value From Biowaste 27 March 2018

Value From Biowaste

Samir Khanal’s new book, Waste Biorefinery: Potential and Perspectives, offers data-based information on cutting-edge processes for using biogenic waste to produce biofuels, energy products and biochemicals.


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