Simply Superb Symposium 11 April 2018

Simply Superb Symposium

Nearly 150 undergraduate and graduate students presented posters or talks on their research in ag, engineering, food and health sciences at CTAHR’s Student Research Symposium. Winners compete in the 3-Minute Elevator Pitch April 20.

Root and Berry 11 April 2018

Root and Berry

Big Island Extension’s Andrea Kawabata, Jen Burt, and Matthew Miyahira represented CTAHR at the 11th annual Kona Coffee Farmer’s Association Coffee and Small Farms Expo at the Old Kona Airport, where they discussed issues such as the coffee berry borer and root-knot nematode.
Fair Without Fair Weather 11 April 2018

Fair Without Fair Weather

Pouring rain didn’t stop Kaua‘i islanders from pouring into the Garden Fair this year. Jointly hosted by CTAHR and the Kaua‘i County Farm Bureau, the 23rd Annual Garden Fair at the Kaua‘i Community College featured a series of CTAHR garden and agriculture presentations.
Learning to Grow 11 April 2018

Learning to Grow

CTAHR students and other volunteers engaged 169 elementary first- and fourth-graders in garden activities over the spring semester, teaching them about nutrition for people and plants.

Steering in the Right Direction 11 April 2018

Steering in the Right Direction

A Moloka‘i 4-H participant and his award winning animals were featured in a USDA Farm Service Agency Fencepost newsletter article on the FSA Youth Loan.


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