Fashion on the Move 11 April 2018

Fashion on the Move

Feeling fashion-forward? Save the date for FDM’s 52nd annual spring fashion show, “EN ROUTE”! It’s on April 29, from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the UH Manoa Campus Center Ballroom, and will feature a wide array of fashion from senior, junior, and specialty designers and a silent auction. 

Learn About the Lungworm 11 April 2018

Learn About the Lungworm

The CTAHR Farm Food Safety Team, in collaboration with Hawai‘i State Departments of Health and Agriculture, has released a new video on Rat Lung Worm (RLW) disease prevention. It is a potentially scary disease, but this video offers practical and down-to-earth advice that can help.
Brian Bushe at the Banquet 11 April 2018

Brian Bushe at the Banquet

If you haven’t yet registered for the annual CTAHR Awards Banquet, now’s the time to secure your place! You’ll get a chance to celebrate the successes of students, faculty, staff, and friends, including Brian Bushe, winner of the award for Outstanding Service for an APT Employee!
Carbon on the Range 11 April 2018

Carbon on the Range

Congratulations to graduate student Nicholas Krueger (NREM), who has been awarded the ARCS Foundation’s Helen Jones Farrar Award in Tropical Agriculture! He researches ways to measure soil carbon stocks in Hawaiian rangelands and is one of nine UH doctoral candidates who will receive $5,000 ARCS Scholar awards.
Excellent Researchers 11 April 2018

Excellent Researchers

Congratulations to master’s student Nathaniel Wehr (NREM) and PhD student Zhibin Liang (MBBE), who are the recipients of the 2018 OVCR Student Excellence in Research Award! They will each receive $1000 and will be recognized at the campus-wide awards ceremony on Friday, April 27, from 4 to 5 p.m. in Kennedy Theater.

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