Services / Publications / About Us
If you haven’t yet signed up for the CTAHR Blood Drive, now’s the time to do it! It’s in the Campus Center Ballroom, 3rd floor, on March 20, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., with appointments starting every 15 minutes.
CTAHR IT, OCS, and ASAO have developed ADA-compliant PowerPoint templates as part of a joint effort to tackle ADA issues. Participate in a virtual workshop that will offer tips for using the templates and information on best practices on Wednesday, March 28, at 1:30 p.m.
Outreach College is calling for proposals from UH Manoa faculty for Open Educational Resources (OER) textbook projects during summer and fall of 2018. The application deadline is April 2. OER textbooks are digital, freely available textbooks that permit free reuse and sharing.
Rich Criley (TPSS) participated in the Trees for Honolulu’s Future workshop on March 9 by showing the series of Extension publications he has written called Expanding Tree Diversity in Hawai‘i’s Landscapes that provide alternatives for landscapers and home growers to the most commonly used trees.