Be There, at the Fair 13 June 2018

Be There, at the Fair

Show off your program or project at the Hawaii State Farm Fair on July 14 and 15! Exhibitors are encouraged to offer family-oriented games or activities or samples. Please RSVP to Cheryl at ernst@hawaii.edu by Thursday, June 14, with your preferred shift(s) and your topic.
On the Road With Poultry 13 June 2018

On the Road With Poultry

Congratulations to ANSC graduate student Nirvay Sah, who received a PSA Graduate Student Travel Award in the amount of $1,000 to attend the Poultry Science Association (PSA) Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas.
Movin’ On Up 13 June 2018

Movin’ On Up

Congratulations to the members of the CTAHR ‘ohana who have achieved promotion and tenure: Zhiqiang Cheng (PEPS), Susan Crow (NREM), J.B. Friday (NREM), Mark Thorne (HNFAS), and Samir Khanal (MBBE). CTAHR is lucky to have all of them and glad that their expertise and hard work are being acknowledged!
The Buzz at the Garden 13 June 2018

The Buzz at the Garden

More than 300 visitors learned about insects that pollinate home gardens and Hawai‘i ecosystems at the Urban Garden Center’s recent Second Saturday event.

Food for All 13 June 2018

Food for All

Kim Carlson (NREM) was part of a delegation from Hawai‘i to the first National Food System Resilience and Equity Workshop, held at Stanford University, and was also part of the workshop steering committee. The two-day workshop addressed issues of food sustainability, security, and resilience in the face of climate change.

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