My Chemical Fellow

MBBE prof is inducted at ACS ceremony

My Chemical Fellow

When Qing X. Li joined the Dept. of Molecular Biosciences & BioEngineering in 1995, he wanted to tackle agricultural chemistry issues relevant to Hawaiʻi. In his case, this meant a research focus on chemical proteomics, phytopharmaceuticals, food chemistry and safety, pesticide chemistry, and environmental monitoring and remediation. 

About 500 peer-reviewed scientific publications later, this world-class researcher is now a fellow of the American Chemical Society. At the induction ceremony held Aug. 14 in San Francisco, Qing was recognized with not just one but two citations, for Contribution to the Science/Profession and Contribution to the ACS Community.

“It is a great honor to be recognized as an ACS fellow; I am beyond blessed and humbled,” says Qing. “This encourages me to continuously address critical agricultural issues in Hawaiʻi such as pesticide contamination, pest control, and green pesticide discovery.” 

With so many research accomplishments under his belt, it’s hard to list even the highlights, but perhaps the most impactful to Hawaiʻi include “Identifying novel modes of action for pesticides,” “Discovery of fungal and palm tree peroxidases as novel remediation tools,” “Ensuring food safety of pesticides and discovering phytopharmaceuticals relevant to Alzheimers disease and obesity,” “Leading the Development of immunoassays and fluorescent biosensors,” and “Environmental analysis, fate, degradation and remediation of pesticides and pollutants.”

A prolific contributor to the literature – his publications have been cited more than 16,000 times – Qing also has 20 patent applications and licensing and technology disclosures, and serves as editorial board member for five journals. He is a past and present member of numerous USDA NIFA multistate research projects, including “Agrochemical Impacts on Human and Environmental Health: Mechanisms and Mitigation,” “Biomass and Bioenergy,” “Pesticide Registration Program,” and “Foreign Agricultural Services.”

An ACS member since 1989, Qing had just assumed a leadership post when the global pandemic occurred; he subsequently oversaw many programs’ conversion to virtual environments, enabling ACS to continue serving its members.

“Our heartiest congratulations on being a part of this distinguished group of ACS Fellows!” says ACS President Angela Wilson.
