Hawaiʻi Cattlemen's Council
Join the virtual convention & annual meeting this Friday & Saturday
The 2021 annual convention of the largest virtual gathering of livestock stakeholders in the state is coming up this Friday afternoon, November 19, starting at 11:30 am. The council will continue on Saturday morning starting 7:30 am for its Annual Meeting.
Register now to hear educational talks, give input on new tools in development for you, and get contacted with people in the industry.
“The Hawaiʻi Cattlemen’s Council convention and annual meeting is an opportunity for CTAHR research and Extension faculty to engage with one of the state’s largest agricultural industry groups,” says Mark Thorne of Extension. “Participation in the meetings is a chance to learn what challenges the industry faces, what solutions are needed, and where you may be able to join in to help sustain the industry.”
For questions, contact Mark at thornem@hawaii.edu or (808) 887-6183.
[EasyDNNnews:Author:ShortInfo] [EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Otherpostsby] Kathleen Marie Vickers