Pop In for Hydroponics
Hydroponics and other soilless growing systems are the wave of the future: they’re compact, water efficient, and prevent many pest problems. Find out more about them at the Hydroponics Open House in Waimanalo, hosted by O‘ahu County Extension agents and CTAHR researchers. It’s a pop-in event, which means that participants can come by anytime during it for lots of helpful information.
- Date: Saturday, February 9
- Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
- Location: Waimanalo Research Station
There will be lots of topics to discuss, such as these:
- Above-ground soilless growing systems
- Conventional hydroponics: Nutrient Film Technology (NFT) & aeroponic systems
- The Kratky Static Hydroponic System: organic solution evaluation in partnership with the W2 Project
- Off-grid powering of the hydroponic systems
- Use of screenhouse systems for pest management
- Evaluation of romaine and leafy green lettuce varieties
- Hydroponic projects for school-based programs
- CTAHR Extension programs such as SOAP, GoFarm Hawai‘i, CRATE, etc.
Funding for the event was provided by CTAHR POW and the PEPS Department. The PV panels were donated by Ili‘ili Farms. Many thanks to them all!
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