Food Systems Working Group

CTAHR’s Healthy Food Systems will hold its next forum Feb. 23

Food Systems Working Group

“Many indigenous agroecosystems are productive, adaptive, and ecologically principled, but are largely overlooked by planning in terms of their potential to meet current and future food needs,” noted a coalition of CTAHR researchers in Nature Sustainability.

Thus was born the CTAHR Food Systems Working Group, which holds regular forums in which experts address the role of indigenous agriculture in food and environmental sustainability and the well-being of our citizens.

In the upcoming forum, Glenn Teves will provide opening remarks, followed by project leaders Natalie Kurashima (‘Ōiwi agriculture systems under climate change), Michael Kantar (Genetic diversity of crops), Kawika Winter (Restoration of indigenous resource management), Noa Lincoln (Supporting breadfruit revitalization), and Jennifer Hawkins (Connecting rural communities through indigenous food).

The CTAHR Healthy Food Systems Forums have been a fantastic venue to learn about solutions already in process in the community to combat the many problems the food system in Hawai‘i has been facing, especially during the last few years,” says Nancy Ooki. “Anyone who is part of the food system (and if you eat, you are part of it) is welcome to participate. We are increasing our knowledge and sharing our own experiences and concerns through the question-and-answer period at the end of each forum. These discussions have been the heart of what the forums are trying to bring to the community.”

For questions, contact Sothy Eng at sothy@hawaii.edu.

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