Albert Peter Martinez

Plant pathologist taught here 1967-87

Albert Peter Martinez

Albert Martinez, who worked as an Extension Specialist in Plant Pathology from 1967-1987, passed March 26. During his time with CTAHR, he also continued his work with the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture before retiring to Dunnellon, FL, where he and wife Barbara spent their time involved with their family, their church, community volunteer opportunities, gardening and square dancing. A celebration of life will be held June 28 at the United Methodist Church in Dunnellon.

“He was my mentor while I was an undergraduate and later my boss when he hired me into the Disease Clinic position prior to him retiring, says Desmond Ogata. “He was a special kind of person that all the Extension agents and faculty enjoyed. He was probably the most active Extension Plant Pathologist statewide, who everyone ran to for help. Great man he was.”

Read the full obit.

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