Keep Farm Animals Fed

Survey will support Maui County farmers

  • 10 April 2020
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 9803
Keep Farm Animals Fed

Maui County is working on a grant to support farms with farm (not domestic) animals, to make sure they have the feed they need in case there’s an interruption in the supply chain, loss of revenue, etc. The grant application needs data regarding farmers’ monthly needs. Please forward this information to stakeholders and partners who may be in need of assistance.

Simply copy the four questions below, paste into the body of an email to hfuu@hfuuhi.org, and enter the answers. Please respond now—this non-personal data will be submitted to Maui County on Thursday.

  1. How many (non-domestic) animals?
  2. What kind?
  3. What is the monthly expense?
  4. What amount cannot be covered?

Fill out this important survey or share it with others—the cow you save may be your own!
