Sustain the Hui

  • 15 August 2018
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 6351
Sustain the Hui

If you’re research, Extension, or instructional faculty and want to get serious about sustainability in CTAHR, come join the CTAHR Sustainability Hui! The Hui will be meeting once a month to work toward two major goals: bringing attention to existing sustainability research/Extension/instruction in CTAHR and connecting CTAHR faculty together to generate new research/Extension/instruction projects in sustainability. Please respond here if you would like to join the Hui and receive updates regarding sustainability activities in CTAHR. You’re welcome to attend the meetings whether or not you respond, but filling out this form will help facilitate communication. To identify a time that accommodates the greatest number of interested people, please respond to this Doodle Poll with the times that work for you. The first meeting will be Friday, August 31 (time TBD). A list of monthly dates will be sent out once a time has been determined.

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