Simply a-MAIZE-ing

Science fair draws a big crowd

Simply a-MAIZE-ing

By Kaylee Cordeiro

You’d be a-maize-d about how much there is to learn about corn! On Wednesday, December 2nd, the Dept. of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences held its “ a-MAIZE-ing Science Fair” at the Student Center of UHM campus. The fair had games, popcorn, and good times as students were educated on maize (corn) and the findings of Michael Muszynski and his team.

The eye-catching event caught the attention of lots of students passing by. They were captivated by the clever theme and could not resist checking it out. 

Michael himself admits he thinks “the event turned out fantastic.” He went on to say that he and his team are “super excited with some new ideas for our next one.” So be sure to keep an ear out for the next a-maize-ing science fair!

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