Help for Livestock Producers

Needs assessment will inform new strategies for changing times

  • 22 July 2020
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 4326
Help for Livestock Producers

The Livestock Extension Group of CTAHR is conducting an Industry Needs Assessment across all livestock sectors in Hawai‘i. As the current COVID-19 crisis has limited Extension’s ability to hold large group meetings, the needs assessment process is being initiated with a short survey (approximately 10 minutes).

This is an opportunity for producers to influence livestock Extension programing and CTAHR priorities and strategic issues. Survey participants will also have an opportunity to participate in livestock sector-specific focus groups to be held in each county later this fall. Information collected in the survey will remain confidential.

If you have any questions, contact range and livestock management Extension specialist Mark Thorne at thornem@hawaii.edu or 887-6183.

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