Miller Time

The Home Garden Network creates a lounge area

Miller Time

No, you can’t crack open a cold one here. But if you’re in Miller Hall or nearby, and need a place to just hang out, then check out “The Korner.”

Created by student interns of the Dept. of Family and Consumer Sciences’ Human Development and Family Studies program, The Korner is a free, open space area where students, faculty, and staff can meet new people and create networks, explains Sothy Eng. It’s available for anyone to study, have lunch, or sit and carry fun conversations with friends.

“We also designed The Korner to spread the word about HDFS’ Home Garden Network (HGN), a meaningful community program, and all that it does with gardening and healthy lifestyles,” he says.

To build awareness of the lounge, students also made a brief but entertaining WELCOME VIDEO, and invite students to stop by.

“Our favorite part is all the plants that surround the lounge area,” say Emma Castro and Jamie Fujii. “It feels very welcoming and there is even a spray bottle to help water and take care of the plants, too. We hope it will help welcome students back to the UH Mānoa campus in the Fall.”

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