Make Every Day Ag Day

  • 22 February 2019
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 11350
Make Every Day Ag Day

O‘ahu Cooperative Extension joined with other CTAHR programs and statewide agricultural agencies to support the Hawaii Farm Bureau’s Ag Day at the Capitol. Each year HFB organizes this educational event to bring agriculture awareness to local policy makers at the Hawaii State Capitol. This is the time that ag producers, organizations, and educators get to demonstrate just how crucial their work is to community, quality of life, and the economy and the environment of the Islands.

There were displays and exhibits about the importance of pollinators, efforts to curb invasive species, and different crops and variety trials. The Sustainable and Organic Agriculture Program (SOAP) showed off the stunning variations between types of native sugarcanes that are being grown at the college’s experiment stations, and the GET Local program emphasized the importance of eating local and following Good Agricultural Practices. The GoFarm farmer-training program was out in force, featuring new farmers who are excited to contribute to local food production; 4-H showed off its youth development activities; and NREM described efforts to educate the next generation of environmental caretakers and decision-makers. 

The work of farmers and ag educators and advocates is essential, and CTAHR showed it! Check out pictures of all this and more at the CTAHR Flickr site, and enjoy a video of the event here
