Extension Excellence

  • 25 July 2018
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 13900
Extension Excellence

The college’s Extension agents recently got some well-deserved props in a laudatory article that first appeared in Hawai‘i Farm and Food and then was reprinted in Hawai‘i Magazine. The article focuses on three agents: Andrea Kawabata, Glen Fukumoto (pictured), and Jari Sugano, interviewing them about how they got into agriculture in the first place, what projects they’re presently working on, and what they see as the greatest challenges and rewards of their profession. Not surprisingly, some of the challenges they mention have to do with lack of funding, aging infrastructure at the research and experiment stations, and the sheer amount of work that’s needed to fulfill their mission. On the other hand, they also describe how rewarding it is to provide help, support, and science-based advice to local farmers and producers and to see the possibilities for increased sustainability and agricultural growth and diversification. They talk about the amazing farming community and the relationships they have forged with them. The picture that emerges from the story is of skilled, dedicated, and enthusiastic Extension workers who are making a huge difference in Island agriculture—one farm visit, variety trial, or workshop at a time.

