New Faces: Sarah Rehkamp

  • 5 April 2019
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 12743
New Faces: Sarah Rehkamp

Sustainability in agriculture isn’t just about using practices that don’t harm the environment, crucial though that is; another important aspect is being able to make enough money to keep producing. And that’s a big part of what agricultural economics focuses on. CTAHR will be better equipped to help farmers with this concern now that Sarah Rehkamp (NREM) will soon be starting as the new assistant Extension agent in Ag Economics. She will be located at the Komohana Agriculture Research and Extension Center in Hilo, but she will have statewide responsibilities. Sarah has earned a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Augsburg College, Minnesota, and a master’s degree in Agricultural Economics from the University of Nebraska. She is coming to CTAHR from the USDA Economic Research Service (ERS) in Washington, DC, where she is currently working as an agricultural economist. Please welcome Sarah when she starts on June 3!
