
Scientific Name: Carica papaya


Plant Size 30 feet papaya
Days to Harvest 9-14 months
Harvest Crop Size 5-24 inches
Harvest Color yellow-orange-red
Sun/Shade Full sun
Soil pH 6-7
Temperature Range 70-90 °F
Water Requirements 40-60 inches/year
Weed Risk Assessment (Invasive > 5) 2   question
Toxicity N/A
Propagation Seed. Germinate in 10-14 days. Best to remove gelatinous coating before drying seed.
Other Info, Uses Common growing practices include pruning and staking. Fruit characteristics and treatment vary greatly with variety. Requires hand or open pollination.
Varieties Resistances, Tolerances Variety Notes
Sunrise Solo
None Solo Pink Flesh Papaya weighing about 16-20 ounces with a nice aroma and sweet flavor. Most popular variety grown worldwide.
Sunset Solo None Solo Pink Flesh Papaya about 15% smaller than Sunrise weighing about 14-20 ounces, but with a firmer texture for longer shelf life.
Waimanalo Low Bearing
Waimanalo Papaya (X-77) is a yellow flesh solo papaya, which bears low to the ground initially. It is larger than Sunrise weighing 22-32 ounces


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