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PEPS Faculty

Wang, Koon-Hui

Professor & Chair  

Email:  koonhui@hawaii.edu
Phone:  956-2455
Special Skills and Knowledge:  


Aigbedion-Atalor, Pascal

Assistant Specialist  

Email:  atalor@hawaii.edu
Phone:  969-8259
Special Skills and Knowledge:  


Akahoshi, Kiersten

Junior Extension Agent  

Email:  Kiersten@hawaii.edu
Phone:  969-8229
Special Skills and Knowledge:  


Alvarez, Anne M

Plant Pathologist, Emeritus  

Email:  alvarez@hawaii.edu
Phone:  956-7764
Special Skills and Knowledge:  


Arif, Mohammad

Associate Researcher  

Email:  arif@hawaii.edu
Phone:  956-7765
Special Skills and Knowledge:  


Bloese, Joanna

Assistant Specialist  

Email:  bloese@hawaii.edu
Phone:  969-8225
Special Skills and Knowledge:  


Cheng, Zhiqiang


Email:  cheng241@hawaii.edu
Phone:  956-6416
Special Skills and Knowledge:  


Dobhal, Shefali

Assistant Researcher  

Email:  shefali@hawaii.edu
Phone:  956-7027
Special Skills and Knowledge:  


Doorenweerd, Camiel

Junior Researcher  

Email:  camiel.doorenweerd@hawaii.edu
Phone:  956-9123
Special Skills and Knowledge:  


Dragich, Mark

Assistant Extension Agent  

Email:  Dragich@hawaii.edu
Phone:  956-6008
Special Skills and Knowledge:  


Grace, J Kenneth

Researcher Emeritus  

Email:  kennethg@hawaii.edu
Phone:  956
Special Skills and Knowledge:  


Hu, John

Plant Pathologist  

Email:  johnhu@hawaii.edu
Phone:  956-7281
Special Skills and Knowledge:  


Jenkins, Daniel


Email:  danielje@hawaii.edu
Phone:  781-1343
Special Skills and Knowledge:  


Kawate, Michael K


Email:  mkawate@hawaii.edu
Special Skills and Knowledge:  


Krushelnycky, Paul

Assistant Researcher  

Email:  pauldk@hawaii.edu
Phone:  956-8261
Special Skills and Knowledge:  


Luis, Jane Marian S

Assistant Specialist  

Email:  luisjm@hawaii.edu
Phone:  956-5305
Special Skills and Knowledge:  


Manandhar, Roshan

Assistant Extension Agent - Invasive Species  

Email:  roshanm@hawaii.edu
Phone:  274-3477
Special Skills and Knowledge:  


Melzer, Michael J


Email:  melzer@hawaii.edu
Phone:  956-7887
Special Skills and Knowledge:  


Nishijima, Wayne T

Specialist Emeritus  

Email:  waynen@hawaii.edu
Phone:  981-5199
Special Skills and Knowledge:  


Rubinoff, Daniel


Email:  rubinoff@hawaii.edu
Phone:  956-8432
Special Skills and Knowledge:  


San Jose, Michael

Junior Researcher  

Email:  mdsjose@hawaii.edu
Phone:  946-2436
Special Skills and Knowledge:  


Sato, Dwight M


Email:  dwights@hawaii.edu
Phone:  981-5199
Special Skills and Knowledge:  


Shikano, Ikkei

Assistant Professor  

Email:  ishikano@hawaii.edu
Phone:  956-2000
Special Skills and Knowledge:  


Sipes, Brent S

Professor Plant Pathology  

Email:  sipes@hawaii.edu
Phone:  956-7813
Special Skills and Knowledge:  


Tay, Jia-Wei

Assistant Researcher  

Email:  jwtay@hawaii.edu
Phone:  956-6744
Special Skills and Knowledge:  


Valenzuela, Hector R


Email:  hector@hawaii.edu
Phone:  956-7903
Special Skills and Knowledge:  


Villalobos, Ethel M

Junior Researcher  

Email:  emv@hawaii.edu
Phone:  956-2445
Special Skills and Knowledge:  


Wright, Mark G.

Professor of Entomology and Extension specialist  

Email:  markwrig@hawaii.edu
Phone:  956-7670
Special Skills and Knowledge:  


Planting Basil at Waimanalo

Growing a New Crop of Landscapers 28 September 2018

Growing a New Crop of Landscapers

The Waimanalo Research Station hosted the 2018 Oahu Landscape Industry Certified Technician (LICT) Program exam on September 22. Approximately 40 landscapers planted trees and performed many other tasks required in the profession. Representing CTAHR, Zhiqiang Cheng (PEPS) was one of the exam judges.

Make Way for Macadamia 30 August 2018

Make Way for Macadamia

Mark Wright (PEPS) was interviewed for a Civil Beat article on efforts to control the macadamia felted coccid, a pest of macadamia that can suck the trees dry of sap, killing them. Mark is one of the state’s foremost researchers on the coccid and says that the insect is taking its toll on the industry.

New Faces: Robert Cating 15 August 2018

New Faces: Robert Cating

New Extension agent Robert Cating is stationed in Hilo, attached to Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences and focused on floriculture, nursery and related industries statewide.

New Nematologist Fellow 1 August 2018

New Nematologist Fellow

Brent Sipes was named a Fellow of the Society of Nematologists for excellence in research and Extension and service to the society—an elite honor bestowed upon less than 1 percent of members in any given year.

Elephant Repellent 25 July 2018

Elephant Repellent

Mark Wright is lead author of a recent study that describes how elephants can be safely deterred from entering areas where they might do damage: with honeybee pheromones! Another research project Mark is involved in with more local applications is the use of pheromones as control agents for agricultural pests in Hawai‘i.


Project Is No Lemon 25 July 2018

Project Is No Lemon

CTAHR faculty and Master Gardeners helped Jefferson Elementary students with Project Lemon Tree, which established CO2-reducing trees, an arbor, and student gardens on a campus site vandalized in 2016.

Elephant Repellent 20 July 2018

Elephant Repellent

UH Researcher finds honeybee pheromones can safely repel elephants

Insect ecology specialist Mark Wright explains how honeybee pheromones could be a tool for preventing human-elephant conflicts in the July 23 issue of Current Biology.

For the Bees 19 July 2018

For the Bees

Scott Nikaido and Ethel Villalobos (both PEPS) were featured in a Ka Leo article on the class on beekeeping that they teach, Beekeeping in the Tropics: Introduction to Honeybee Health and Management. It is offered through the UH Manoa Outreach College, though Scott hopes to offer classes for credit at UH in the future.
Roger Vargas 19 July 2018

Roger Vargas

We are saddened to report the sudden loss of collaborator, alumnus, and PEPS affiliate professor Roger Vargas, a research entomologist at the USDA’s Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center in Hilo. After earning his doctorate from CTAHR, Roger became an internationally renowned expert in the biological control of fruit flies.
The Buzz at the Garden 13 June 2018

The Buzz at the Garden

More than 300 visitors learned about insects that pollinate home gardens and Hawai‘i ecosystems at the Urban Garden Center’s recent Second Saturday event.