Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences
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PEPS Faculty
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Welcome to Jia-Wei Tay, a new assistant professor of urban entomology in PEPS! Her research is in the biology and management of invasive species, especially insect pests adapted to the urban environment. She hopes to figure out environmentally friendly alternatives to control target pest without impacting beneficial non-target organisms and the larger ecosystem.
This Halloween, the Department of Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences held its annual pumpkin-carving contest, to fearful and artistic effect! From the front of a VW bus to a surprisingly faithful depiction of the classic painting The Scream and an assortment of grotesque faces, PEPS teams and individuals showed just what can be done with a pumpkin.
A meeting of researchers in Koon-Hui Wangʻs (PEPS) multistate project on “Plant-Parasitic Nematode Management as a Component of Sustainable Soil Health Programs in Horticultural and Field Crop Production Systems” drew participants from California, Connecticut, Florida, Michigan, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont, and West Virginia to discuss research and outreach activities relating to plant-parasitic nematode management and soil health enhancement.
Cooperative Extension agent Robert Cating (PEPS) recently completed a course in floral design to help him understand the needs of floral designers for tropical flowers and foliage. To prepare for a floral design workshop for youths, he conducted a hands-on practice session using faculty, staff, and student volunteers at the Komohana Research & Extension Center. Some stunning creations resulted!
We are saddened to report the passing of PEPS alumna Dr. Verna Subere. Verna graduated cum laude with a B.S. in agriculture and an M.S. in entomology from Leyte State University in the Philippines and then worked as a scientist at Dole Philippines before coming to CTAHR in 2004 to pursue her Ph.D. in tropical plant pathology.
The Phytopathology News newsletter, published by the American Phytopathological Society, featured PhD student Islam Hamim (PEPS) as its Grad Student Spotlight PhD student for the month of May 2019. Islam, who is getting his doctorate in tropical plant pathology, is mentored by John Hu.
Zhiqiang Cheng (PEPS) and Norman Nagata (TPSS, Maui CES) organized the 2018 Maui Turfgrass and Landscape Pest Management Workshop at CTAHR Maui Extension Office, including updates on important turfgrass and golf course pests such as frit fly, take-all patch, mini ring, rover ant, coconut rhinoceros beetle, and lobate lac scale.
Students and faculty from TPSS and PEPS, including Tessie Amore, Kauahi Perez, Orville Baldos, Maxwell Bendes, and Koon-Hui Wang, teamed up to recruit potential students to join the Tropical Agriculture and the Environment (TAE) track during the Explore Mānoa: Application Day at Campus Center on November 18.
In the spirit of the season, PEPS enjoyed its annual pumpkin-carving contest on Halloween. Students, staff, and faculty enjoyed a great get-together hour, voted for their favorite pumpkins, and feasted on a “Lunch for the Ghouls” before heading out to their next classes, visions of jack-o-lanterns dancing in their heads.
Barry Brennan (PEPS) recently was awarded the Presidents’ Award from the American Association of Pesticide Safety Education (AAPSE) for his years of dedication to pesticide safety education. One of the early founders of the organization, Barry has been described by many as the “father of AAPSE.”
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