Master of Science in Tropical Plant Pathology
The MS degree program is offered under either Plan A (thesis) or Plan B (non-thesis). A total of 30 credit hours are required for each degree option. An advisory committee composed of at least three members of the graduate faculty provides guidance to the student. For a general description of these options, see the requirements for each option below.
The MS degree in tropical plant pathology provides a basic education and understanding of the pathogen groupings. Employment opportunities exist in industry, government agencies, research institutions, consulting, and farm management.
TPP Graduate Student Handbook
MS Plan A (Thesis)
Research: 12 credits in PEPS 700 Thesis Research, with at least 1 credit in PEPS 700 during the semester of graduation, and submission of an acceptable thesis.
Courses: 16 credits in courses approved by the candidate’s committee, including Core: PEPS 605, 606, 615, and 615L. and excluding PEPS 600, 699, 700, and 799.
Seminars: Minimum of 2 credits in PEPS 660, which is required each semester except when enrolled in PEPS 799; 2 credits in PEPS 799 (CR/NC). PEPS 799 credits are not counted towards degree credit requirements.
MS Plan B (Non-Thesis)
Research: 6-9 credits in PEPS 699 Directed Research, preferably taken in 2-3 different laboratories.
Courses: 19-22 credits in courses approved by the candidate’s committee, including Core courses: PEPS 605, 606. 615, and 615L. and excluding PEPS 660, 699, 700, and 799.
Seminars: Minimum of 2 credits in PEPS 660, which is required each semester except when enrolled in PEPS 799; 1 credit in PEPS 799 (CR/NC). PEPS 799 credits are not counted towards degree credit requirements.