Recruitment Efforts Pay Off

Published on Monday, April 29, 2024

Recruitment Efforts Pay Off

Recruiting future students is a vital part of maintaining a healthy college program.  Throughout the year, faculty attend college fairs at local schools and talk to students about a career in the field of fashion.  “Students often have a preconceived idea of what opportunities exist in fashion and college fairs are a good way to help students find a good fit,” Andy Reilly, professor in FDM, said. “Our presence at the college fairs benefit both the student and our program as many of the students aren’t aware that a fashion program exists at UH Manoa,” shared Dr. Cristi-Kim.

Drs. Abby Cristi-Kim and Andy Reilly attended a career and college fair at Farrington High School on April 26, 2024, to talk to potential students about the FDM program.  They estimate they met with about 100 students who expressed interest in learning more about the program and what it can do for them.  Many of the students they talked with had taken, or were planning to take, fashion courses offered at Farrington High School.  The students they talked with said they wanted to be a designer, own their own store, or work in sales.  

Their efforts have paid off as well; 114 students have applied to the FDM program for Fall 2024. 

By Andrew Reily & Abby Cristi-Kim

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Author: FDM

Categories: FDM, FDM News



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