Metaverse in the Fashion Program: Guest speaker from South Korea

Published on Monday, May 22, 2023

Metaverse in the Fashion Program: Guest speaker from South Korea

Dr. Wolhee Do, Professor of Chonnam National University in South Korea, visited the University of Hawaii at Manoa from March to May of 2023 and gave FDM students guest speech in classes, FDM 221 Textiles (Instructor: Youngjin Bahng) and FDM 471 International Apparel Trade Issues (Instructor: Youngjin Bahng). Dr. Do introduced the most current digitalization of global textile and fashion companies across the world and the use of digital technology in smart fabrics, and shared her experience of how she developed patented apparel products and created a curriculum utilizing metaverse: Zepeto in South Korea. Most students were very excited to watch the virtual fashion show created on Zepeto and asked many questions about it. We are so thankful for Dr. Do's ongoing support and collaborative work with FDM, University of Hawaii at Manoa.  -written by Youngjin Bahng

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