FDM Newsletter Inaugural Issue

Published on Tuesday, December 6, 2022

FDM Newsletter Inaugural Issue

Welcome to our inaugural issue. We view this as a means to stay connected with our stakeholders and share our program achievements and highlights. 

Students and faculty were very excited to be back and filled with energy, as we began the fall semester in person after two years of online and hybrid learning. Fall also marked the revival of the FDM Advisory Board, composed of community stakeholders, whose function is to act as a sounding board and provide advice on program direction. Many members participated in our 5-year review. Actually, this time the review became a 7-year review due to delays caused by the pandemic. In the review process we reflect on our mission and outcomes and include feedback from our stakeholders. An external review team composed of faculty from other universities visited the campus in October to assess the College, and were overwhelmingly supportive of the program and provided excellent feedback.

Additionally, the FDM faculty attended the annual conference of the International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA) in Denver, October 26-28, 2022. ITAA is one of the largest professional organizations for scholars and students in fashion design and merchandising, and provides opportunities for collaboration and sharing research. At this year’s conference, FDM faculty and students collectively presented five papers and one design, including presentations on 3D virtual runways and museum exhibitions, the impact of COVID-19 on female-owned businesses, haole identity and Hawaiian shirts, and gay men’s clothing changes during the coming out process.

Happiest of holidays to all our students and supporters, and best wishes for a wonderful 2023 new year!

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Author: FDM

Categories: FDM, FDM News



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