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Come to a coffee hour to wish Cheryl Ernst (OCS) the best for her retirement! The party will take place 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. in Gilmore 212 on Friday, August 31.
To receive your CTAHR name badge for fall semester, submit the desired information (name, job title, office or department) no later than Wednesday, August 29. CTAHR employees receive the first name badge at no cost, courtesy of the Office of Communication Services; replacement badges are $5, cash only.
Co-PIs Andre Seale and Rajesh Jha (both HNFAS), in collaboration with Darren Lerner and Darren Okimoto of the UH Sea Grant College Program, recently received a 3-year NOAA Sea Grant 2018 Aquaculture Initiative award of $749,815.
Rajesh Jha (HNFAS) recently returned from China after teaching the summer intensive course “Livestock Ecology” to the students of Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University in Xianyang. He has been serving as a visiting professor at the university for last three years.