He’s Aces 12 September 2018

He’s Aces

HNFAS alumnus Nate Black, who earned an MS in Nutritional Sciences, has just co-authored a book with his brother Ben. Both graduates of BYU, the brothers created a guide to assist BYU students entitled Acing BYU that includes everything from lists of resources for scholarships, internships, and other opportunities to broader tips and life lessons.

Plant Tips (and More) From TPSS 6 September 2018

Plant Tips (and More) From TPSS

The Fall 2018 TPSS Seminar Series is revving up for another fun and informative semester! September 7 will feature Richard Manshardt (pictured), who will speak on “My Lab’s Greatest Hits,” followed by H.C. “Skip” Bittenbender, who will present “CTAHR and Coffee: 1986 to 2017” on September 21. 

A Lyon of a Celebration 6 September 2018

A Lyon of a Celebration

Lyon Arboretum is giving a Centennial Symposium as part of their celebration of their hundredth anniversary, and CTAHR faculty and alumni will have a strong presence. Don’t miss their many great presentations! It’s all happening September 13–14 in the Keoni Auditorium in the East West Center’s Imin Conference Center on the UHM campus.

Get Postered at LICH 6 September 2018

Get Postered at LICH

The Landscape Industry Council of Hawaii (LICH) is again inviting undergraduate and graduate students to submit abstracts for this year’s Student Poster Session at the LICH Green Industry Conference and Tradeshow, which will be held on October 10 at the Neal Blaisdell Exhibition Hall. 

A Century of Extension Excellence 6 September 2018

A Century of Extension Excellence

CTAHR’s Cooperative Extension will be celebrating its 90th year with UH, along with its 4-H program’s 100-year anniversary. A celebration luncheon will be held on November 7 at the Ala Moana Hotel’s Hibiscus Ballroom, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Don't miss it!


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