Go the Course 30 August 2018

Go the Course

Cooperative Extension will be offering a Pesticide Reduced-Risk Education Short Course on O‘ahu on October 16–17. This in-depth two-day short course will educate participants about handling pesticides, including herbicides, in ways that will reduce risks to people and our environment.

Reproductive Success from Hawai‘i to Brazil! 30 August 2018

Reproductive Success from Hawai‘i to Brazil!

Kyle Caires (HNFAS) gave two presentations on his collaboratory research at the XXIVth Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society of Embryo Technology in Florianopolis, Brazil, on improving reproductive success in Wagyu or ‘Japanese Black’ cattle and characterizing the microbiota of the vaginal tract of sheep.

Talk Science 30 August 2018

Talk Science

Michael Kantar (TPSS) recently organized a Speaking Science workshop in partnership with Cornell’s Alliance for Science and Story Collider, which was aimed at equipping graduate students with communication tools to effectively engage the public sphere. Topics included talking to reporters, effectively using social media, and writing opinion pieces.

Editor Extraordinaire 30 August 2018

Editor Extraordinaire

Rajesh Jha (HNFAS) was appointed associate editor of the journal Poultry Science. Published by the Poultry Science Association, it is considered the best in the field. Rajesh has also been serving as associate editor of other two prestigious journals, Frontiers in Veterinary Science – Animal Nutrition and Metabolism and Animal Science Journal.

Where the Pigs Are 30 August 2018

Where the Pigs Are

Swine specialist Halina Zaleski (HNFAS) is quoted in an article about the resurgence of Hawai‘i’s pork industry published in Honolulu Civil Beat. She explains that pork is a critical part of many cultures in Hawai‘i—not just any pork, but the whole pig, which makes it unique in terms of livestock production and opens a critical space for local producers.


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