Interviews in Ag Economics 23 November 2018

Interviews in Ag Economics

All are invited to attend the interview presentations of the candidates for junior/assistant Extension agent for agricultural economics on Friday, November 30; Tuesday, December 4; and Wednesday, December 5. Each candidate will speak on the topic of “Developing an Extension Program in Agricultural Economics for Hawai‘i.” 

Interviews in Livestock Extension 23 November 2018

Interviews in Livestock Extension

All are invited to attend the interview presentations of the candidates for junior/assistant Extension agent for livestock on Hawai‘i Island on Monday, December 10, and Wednesday, December 12. Each candidate will speak on the topic of “Developing a Livestock Extension Program in Hawai‘i County.” 

Fence Them Out 23 November 2018

Fence Them Out

Troubled by wild beasts? Growers who are have requested assistance in managing the wild animals that enter farm areas and destroy edible crops. In response, Cooperative Extension will be holding a Wild Animal Deterrent: Electric Fence Field Day on December 8 at the Waimanalo Research Station to show how wild animals can be excluded from production areas using an electric fencing system. 

More Microbe Magic 23 November 2018

More Microbe Magic

PhD student Solange Saxby (HNFAS) was recently honored with a $3,500 award from the C-MAIKI #mahimicrobe2018 graduate competition for her innovative research proposal to simulate human digestion and fecal fermentation to study kalo as a functional prebiotic food. As an awardee, Solange will present her work at the C-MÄ€IKI symposium on May 9, 2019.

Anthuriums Out of the Lava 23 November 2018

Anthuriums Out of the Lava

The UH anthurium variety ‘Kauai’ received a Blue Ribbon at the Society of American Florists (SAF) Outstanding Varieties Competition. Entered by CTAHR grower-cooperator Green Point Nurseries, ‘Kauai’ was praised by Floral Management, the trade magazine of the SAF, as offering "both novelty and design versatility” and “exotic touches that blend beautifully with more traditional florist flowers.”


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