Services / Publications / About Us
The Center on the Family will hold a brown bag seminar on Friday, November 30, in Miller 101, from noon to 1 p.m. Michael Cheang (FCS) will present on “The Significance of a Caregiver Support Group After the Death of a Loved One: A Case Study,” about how former caregivers continue to attend caregiver support groups while in bereavement.
Want to get an interdisciplinary perspective on creating and living a sustainable future? Check out this new course in Spring 2019! SOC 250 Introduction to Sustainability from Social Science Perspectives is a sister course to TPSS/NREM 251, which offers natural science perspectives on sustainability.
Want to be a Master Gardener volunteer or know someone who does? The East Hawai‘i Master Gardeners are now accepting applications for the 2019 Master Gardener Volunteer Training Program. The course begins January 23 and runs through April, from 9 a.m. to noon every Wednesday morning at the Komohana Research Center.
FDM has a lot to be thankful about this Thanksgiving after their recent awards at the International Textile & Apparel Association’s annual meeting! Honors were given to Shu-Hwa and Ju-Young, Kaimipono Kajiyama, the students of FDM 338 and 411, and visiting student Genny Lai. Senior undergrad Kaycee Yoshiika also won the Blanche Payne Award.
MS student Alexandra Paer (MBBE) was recently honored with a $1000 award from the C-MAIKI #mahimicrobe2018 graduate competition for her innovative research proposal to set up an experimental system to test the relationship between GSK3b inhibition, corn silk ingestion, and the microbiome in Alzheimer’s-like mouse-model systems.