23 November 2018

Interviews in Ag Economics

Interviews in Ag Economics

All are invited to attend the interview presentations of the candidates for junior/assistant Extension agent for agricultural economics. Each candidate will speak on the topic of “Developing an Extension Program in Agricultural Economics for Hawai‘i.” Shannon Sand will present on Friday, November 30; Chelsea Takahashi will present on Tuesday, December 4; and Sarah Rehkamp will present on Wednesday, December 5. All presentations will take place at the Komohana Agriculture Research and Extension Center, Rm. D-202, at 10:30 a.m. Those attending at a distance can join in via Zoom. Those attending the interview seminar in person are invited to eat afterwards; if you would like lunch, please sign up on this Google form. Candidates’ CVs can be found by logging in at the CTAHR employees' webpage

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