Familiar Faces in New Places: Amjad Ahmad 14 February 2019

Familiar Faces in New Places: Amjad Ahmad

Welcome to a new role to Amjad Ahmad, who joins O‘ahu Cooperative Extension as an assistant Extension agent in Sustainable and Organic Agriculture. Amjad, a CTAHR PhD alumnus, previously worked for the college as a junior researcher in TPSS. Amjad’s educational background is the area of agronomy, field crops, legume crops production, organic amendments, and nitrogen applications.

Familiar Faces in New Places: Jennifer Hawkins 14 February 2019

Familiar Faces in New Places: Jennifer Hawkins

Welcome to a new role to Jennifer Hawkins, who has started her new position within CTAHR as the Edible Crops agent on Moloka‘i! Jennifer used to be the Moloka‘i Hawaiian Home Lands Agriculture junior Extension agent, where she inaugurated a successful program teaching farmers to keep bees as pollinators.

Lettuce Help You 14 February 2019

Lettuce Help You

There have been lots of problems associated with lettuce in the news, from the E. coli outbreaks traced to mainland romaine to local concerns about leafy greens and rat lungworm disease. But O‘ahu Cooperative Extension offered a great way to eat your greens and feel safe about them, too, at the Hydroponic Field Day at the Waimanalo Research Station.

A Fine Day for Swine 14 February 2019

A Fine Day for Swine

With their omnivorous appetites and modest housing needs, pigs are an important part of food security in the Islands, and CTAHR Extension is getting swine producers the help they need to keep local pork production safe and sustainable. Livestock Extension agent Savannah Katulski hosted a Kaua‘i Swine Day this month at the Kaua‘i Agricultural Research Station.

“An Inordinate Fondness for Beetles” 7 February 2019

“An Inordinate Fondness for Beetles”

According to biologist JBS Haldane, this is what the Creator must have, since there are so many different varieties. In celebration of an even more eminent British scientist, the UH Insect Museum will hold an open house to introduce visitors to the wonderful world of insects—including beetles!—in honor of Darwin’s 210th birthday. 


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