Island Hopping

New Extension dean visits Ag Fests on Maui and Kauaʻi

Island Hopping

Jeremy Elliott-Engel, CTAHR’s new Associate Dean & Associate Director for Cooperative Extension, hit the ground running with flights to Maui for the Maui Ag Fest & 4-H Livestock Show and Kauaʻi for the Kauaʻi County Farm Bureau Agricultural Festival.

“CTAHR is proud to support the Maui Ag Fest & 4-H Livestock Show, which highlighted the food economy on Maui and showcased our 4-H youths, who raised their own sheep, goats, hogs, and beef cattle throughout the year,” Jeremy says. “CTAHR Extension programs also supported the festival’s Education tent; those programs include CTAHR’s Maui County Master Gardeners, intergenerational and aging programs, Maui County 4-H, edible crops, and landscape and ornamentals.”

CTAHR was well represented at the Kauai County Farm Bureau Agricultural Festival, Jeremy adds. Kauai County 4-H put on a livestock petting zoo. The Master Gardeners sold adapted seeds and answered home gardening questions. CTAHR’s Nutrition education team shared knowledge about human nutrition. Go Farm Hawaii was busy teaching people about potting mix and papaya seeds. Extension’s Roshan Mandahar was educating community members about entomological issues in Hawaii. And specialist Ted Radovich presented on organic home gardening, representing SOAP.  

“This was a celebration of the agricultural industry,” he says. “It was a vibrant event.”

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[EasyDNNnews:Author:ShortInfo] [EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Otherpostsby] Kathleen Marie Vickers

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