Happy Plantsgiving

Community garden event pairs FCS with FETCH

Happy Plantsgiving

Bringing families together is a concept that dates back to the very first Thanksgiving. This past Nov. 23, an inaugural community garden event, “Plantsgiving Thanksgiving,” was co-hosted by the Dept. of Family and Consumer Affairs and CTAHR’s Family Education Centers of Hawaii, Inc.

“This event was created to bring families in the neighborhood together to enjoy gardening activities as well as to show our gratitude to nature and the hard work our food producers have done for us on the island and elsewhere,” said Sothy Eng, who founded FCS’ Home Garden Network.

Several UH Mānoa students and alumni helped out with the event that served about 40 parents and their keiki, which was held at FETCH’s facility, Hale Tuahine, in Mānoa Valley.

Read the full UH News story.
