Over the Fence

An interesting read about the beautiful trees on our UHM campus

Over the Fence

“Properly maintained, a university campus is much more than just the buildings and their rooms: it is also the functional and aesthetic organization of outdoor spaces and all they include. The campus landscape and its associated amenities become the fabric that holds the buildings together and makes the campus's powerful impression a positive one.”

So begins the article “Over the Fence” by Richard Criley, emeritus horticulture professor from the Dept. of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences. As Richard correctly points out, our beautiful campus is ideal for outdoor instruction, a space to advocate for sustainability, and a world-class example of how plants can be used in education.

“I've been tending to the vines on the fence between UH and MidPac's athletic field for almost two decades as part of the UH Landscape Advisory Committee's Adopt-a-Landscape program,” Richard says. “Installing vines on the fence developed as I took over the ornamental plant identification course. I planted, watered, pruned, and tended 30 different vines, along with some help from the UH Grounds department. As one who lives in a condominium, this became my garden.”

Read the full article.

AND did you ever wonder what are those gorgeous yellow flowers in front of Gilmore Hall? Or that massive tree next to Miller? You can find them all in this online map of important trees on campus.

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