No-Sew Masks

Make CDC-recommended face coverings for personal use

  • 13 April 2020
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 4580
No-Sew Masks

The CDC recommends that people wear a cloth mask when they’re out and about to avoid shedding the virus if they’re infected but don’t know it. Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell also encourages everyone to wear masks while walking around. CTAHR’s been spearheading multiple efforts to sew face masks—see stories here, here, and here!

If you’re interested in helping to sew masks, please email Jessica Radovich (radovije@hawaii.edu) or Mandy Chen (ChenM@ctahr.hawaii.edu) to volunteer and/or obtain fabric that has been donated. Use cloth or washable ribbon straps, please. Wearer feedback indicates they hold masks in place better than elastic (the masks sometimes fall off with bending or physical exertion, and wearers end up having to touch their faces too much if elastic is used) or hair bands (which hurt ears after long use). Straps should be long enough for various-sized heads.

What if you’re not a crafter but still need a mask? Check out these simple patterns endorsed by the CDC! One mask pattern involves some simple sewing, but two others are completely stitch free! The bandanna mask especially works surprisingly well. Notice the CDC has identified coffee filters for filter pockets—disposable and easily obtainable. Make yourself a mask today!

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