Member of the Board

Extension is represented at Society for Range Management

Member of the Board

Congrats to Mark Thorne who recently began a two-year term on the Board of Directors of the Society for Range Management.

Mark, who has served the society in many capacities for almost 30 years and is currently Section Treasurer, will focus on three key issues throughout his term: recruitment and retention of SRM members, involvement in the International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists in 2026, and strengthened national and international partnerships and collaborations.

“On the Board, I will work to support our membership in ways that enhance their abilities to advance the art and science of range management, manage rangelands more effectively, and engage and communicate with their stakeholders,” he says.

As part of this effort, Mark will emphasize ways to increase membership value for early and mid-career professionals, such as professional development training and certification programs. He also would like to see more networking between range-management students and career professionals, and increased value for ranchers and land managers through programs like “Good Grazing Makes Cent$.” 

The Society, he continues, has upcoming opportunities to raise awareness of the value of rangelands to new audiences, recruit students and new members, and gain a new appreciation among other disciplines for the art and science of range management. His goal is to help capitalize on these opportunities.
