Lend a Hand, Give a Can

Let’s continue our long tradition of supporting the Hawaiʻi Foodbank

Lend a Hand, Give a Can

The Hawaiʻi Foodbank has kicked off its Annual State Employees Food Drive running through May 13, and the goal this year is to raise $147,000 and 39,000 pounds of food.

The top five most wanted items are: monetary contributions, canned proteins (chicken/tuna), canned meals (stew/spaghetti), canned vegetables/fruit, and rice (five to ten-pound bags are preferred).

Still teleworking and not physically on campus? Please note that monetary donations are also accepted via the Hawaiʻi Foodbank’s Online Donation page.  

In 2021, UH employees donated more than $90,000 (which provided food for 204,374 meals) and more than 11,940 pounds of food for the Hawaiʻi Foodbank, making UH one of the largest contributors among all State offices. 

Please take a moment to consider contributing to assist those who are most in need. For more info, visit Hawaii Foodbank.

***This year, CTAHR is holding a friendly competition between departments to reach our college’s goal of collecting $3,000 and 7,500 pounds of food. For more information, please contact Carol Oshiro at tranc@hawaii.edu


CTAHR Foodbank Timetable:



March 14, 2022

Start of 2022 UH Foodbank Drive

March 14 to May 13, 2022

Purchase: Keo and Company Fruit and Vegetable Boxes - $35 each

Purchase: Hawaii Foodbank Shirts - $20

March 23, 2022

CTAHR ASAO will be distributing boxes for your offices to collect canned goods, signs, and forms for monetary donations.

March 24, 2022

(Last Day to Order)

Purchase (place order with Carol Oshiro): XO Restaurant's Famous Browned Butter Bunny Butter Mochi $5 each 

May 9, 2022

CTAHR ASAO will pick up all donated food and remaining monetary donations.

Every Tuesday

CTAHR ASAO will weigh donated foods and pick up monetary donations from your office.


CTAHR Teams:


CTAHR Department(s)

Office Location


Department of Family and Consumer Sciences

Miller Hall 110


Department of Human Nutrition, Food & Animal Sciences

Agricultural Science 216


Department of Molecular Biosciences & BioEngineering

Agricultural Science 218


Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Management

Agricultural Diagnostic Services Center

Sherman Laboratory 101


Department of Plant & Environmental Protection Sciences

Gilmore Hall 310


Department of Tropical Plant and Soil Sciences

St. John 102


GoFarm Hawai'i

Gilmore Hall 115


Oahu County Office – Honolulu, Pearl City, Wahiawa

Agricultural Science 217


Office of Academic & Student Affairs

Gilmore 119A


Office of Administrative Services

Gilmore 202A


Office of Cooperative Extension – Oahu County

Gilmore 203B


Office of the Dean

Office of Research

Office of Planning and Management Systems

Office of Communication Services

Gilmore 202

Categories: CTAHR Home Page