Inaugural Address

Dean Grewal charts a path forward for the college

Inaugural Address

CTAHR’s mission is to secure the future of Hawaiʻi by building local self-sufficiency in food and agricultural products, noted Dean Parwinder Grewal at the first CTAHR Conference April 11.

“CTAHR’s inclusive vision is to secure the future of Hawaiʻi through collaborative innovation and merging the Western, Asian, Hispanic, and Native Hawaiian knowledge systems,” he said.

Dean Grewal also focused on the challenges in Hawaiʻi that CTAHR research and Extension can help address, student enrollment trends over the past five years, supporting student success, cooperative extension workforce and extramural awards as other areas the college will focus on moving forward.

Read the full UH News story.

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[EasyDNNnews:Author:ShortInfo] [EasyDNNnewsLocalizedText:Otherpostsby] Kathleen Marie Vickers

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