Hata is Top Employee

  • 1 May 2017
  • Author: OCS
  • Number of views: 14868
Hata is Top Employee

5/1/2017 Source: Office of Communication Services, CTAHR

Trent Hata, a 30-year employee who serves as assistant to the administrator for the Hawaiʻi County Plant and Environmental Protection Sciences (PEPS) program under the College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, has been awarded the 2017 Outstanding Service by an Administrative, Professional, or Technical Employee. His nominator says that “Trent consistently performed above and beyond the scope of his job description and has upheld the reputation of UH Mānoa as the premier research, education and extension institution in the Pacific.” He oversees the operations of eight experiment stations, three office complexes and more than 50 vehicles and farm equipment. Hata has served six county administrators and provides invaluable stability and continuity to PEPS with his uncompromising integrity, strong management skills and attention to detail. Additionally, he supervises farm managers and building maintenance staff and oversees agricultural technicians, student assistants, volunteers and private contractors. Hata was instrumental in the relocation of three facilities and oversaw the $19.7 million renovations of the Komohana Research and Extension Center. He is also known for his research, authoring more than 78 publications on Hawaiʻi’s export floriculture industry.
